Study from home essentials UK

Study from Home Essentials UK 2025, the simpler the better

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Studying remotely has never been so popular, but it also presents some challenges. In this post we will go through some study from home essentials which can help make your study experience much better!

This list was designed to create a simple & minimalistic study environment at home. However, we have also put together other student essential lists as below:

If interested, you can open those in a separate tab, or scroll back up later.

Study from home essentials

(p.n. All links to Amazon UK)

When studying at home it is easy to put too much stress on your neck. This is because naturally you tend to lean forward to look down your screen. A laptop stand will raise the screen at an eye-level and prevent that.

This is a great companion for those long dark and cold evenings spent studying. It is important to adjust brightness levels to limit light sensitivity which might disrupt your sleep.

This complements well with the laptop stand as it would not be comfortable to type on it. A keyboard will also help you keep your elbows in a more straight position, again improving your posture.

There are several reasons why a headphones set is part of a study from home essentials list. Firstly, it will allow you to concentrate better when listening/watching lectures. This is due to the higher sound quality combined with the noise cancelling feature.

Your study desk can get very messy at times, it’s normal. However, looking at a disorganised desk might also (unconsciously) put you off from starting your study session.

This is often overlooked when thinking about study from home essentials. Printing out study materials and manually highlighting key concepts is still one of the best study methods out there.

This will come in handy for exam revision when you will have a lot of study material to cover. Moreover, a printer will also help you reduce screen time, which is good for your eyes.

Some days you will spend hours sitting at your study desk. Being comfortable when studying is key to study at home effectively!

There is a massive difference between studying from a laptop screen and a monitor. This is something you will really notice only after you try it!

Some people find scents and aromatherapy very useful for concentration and productivity.

There will always be those lazy days where you will study from your couch or bed. With a laptop tray you will also be able to use a mouse.

More study essentials UK

Hopefully you found this study from home essentials list useful. Check out the lists below if you are looking for more student essentials:

Student essentials, everything you need for university!

We have ad-hoc essential lists for various facets of university life:

Student essentials, a day on campus;

Study from home essentials, the simple the better;

Student accommodation essentials, most useful & forgotten;

Kitchen essentials for university, self-catered halls and student flats;

Coolest gadgets for university students, innovative and useful; (perfect for gifts!)